So there's no better time to order that Star Trek Oven Mitt...

Or Batgirl Hipster Panties...
Or Canned PBJ Sandwich...

Or Bluetooth Handset Glove...

And as we all know...no true nerdy geek is really his/herself without a ThinkGeek Eviltron (if you don't know what this is...then you need to educate yourself on this one...)

Don't forget ThinkGeek's huge selection of geek T-shirts and Apparel either!
So get out there and get your geek loved one something they'll really want for the holidays!
(Just in case...here's links to my personal ThinkGeek Wishlists...with a few samples for your surfing pleasure!)
Flagrant Nerd ThinkGeek Wishlist

Flagrant Nerd ThinkGeek T-shirt and Apparel Wishlist

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